Love-Link Ministries November, 2017
As you may already know, I send fundraising newsletters three times a year; only to close friends. So I am prayerfully asking you to respond if at all possible.
The plight of those escaping ISIS is inexplicable!
Before I give you an update, I wanted you to know that earlier, I had sent my passport, color copy of my passport, $40 cash, and letter on my personal letterhead giving the reasons why I wanted to come to Baghdad (“to meet with friends” in the lobby of the Baghdad Hotel only, for security reasons), as well as an Iraqi VISA Application to the Iraq Embassy in Washington, D.C. My purpose was to raise up additional contacts there in Baghdad for future work in dangerous places and war zones.
Bob poses with two Kurdish warriors
However, they wanted me to list all my personal contacts in Baghdad: specific names, specific addresses, and specific telephone numbers!! For their security and privacy, I did not feel comfortable giving out that information. Plus, the embassy wanted additional information. I respectfully asked them to return my visa application and passport, which they did. Next year to Baghdad!
Posing with an undercover rescuer and
a ten-year-old girl rescued from ISIS.
She was repeatedly raped by ISIS.
In addition to the Holy Spirit, this girl
caused me to really get involved!
In fact, I am seriously working on getting an official invitation letter from the Armenian Bishop of Baghdad (as well as other avenues)! Please pray with me about that!

[LEFT] My friend from California plays a tape of greeting
from the Armenian church in America to
the Armenia church in Kurdistan,
and my good Armenian friend and mayor there!
[RIGHT] Hugging my friend, a Yezidi sheik in Kurdistan.
I have already purchased my airplane tickets for my December 8 – 23 Middle East dangerous missions’ trip. However, my physical trip is very much in jeopardy!! No matter what, appropriate monies will be wired to trustworthy confidantes in Kurdistan; that is, if worst comes to worst.
[LEFT} Mother and two girls who are survivors of ISIS.
[RIGHT] Another rescued girl from the hands of ISIS. We paid to help.
I always try to be on the front lines to make sure my friend’s investments into Love-Link Ministries are the most productive and are being spent wisely. Please rest assured of that.
Bob helping to distribute food to refugees in Jordan.
I received an urgent text from my security head in Kurdistan. It read: “It looks like we are going to be in a civil war!!”
Bob with Ashur, head of the Assyrian Aid Society in Duhok, Kurdistan.
Here is what happened. Kurdistan is still a part of northern Iraq; but their government is very autonomous. The Kurds held a referendum on them becoming their own country. The vote was 92.3% Yes to break away from Iraq. However, the vote was not binding. This really ticked off the present Iraqi government and they are already beginning to take up arms against the Kurds. Civil war is happening. The United States has supplied arms to both Kurdistan and the Iraqi government. Iraq has already taken over some of the major oil fields that the Kurds controlled. Iraq is closing the borders to Kurdistan. They have begun to shut down the Erbil International Airport (that I use). North of Kurdistan is Turkey. They hate the Kurds and are beginning to honor the Iraqi boycott of Kurdistan.
In Erbil, Kurdistan with the most important Christian leader.
I am continually in contact with EIGHT confidantes and leaders in Kurdistan. It is presently “touch and go.” Soon, I must make a real decision of what I need to do to make sure the rescue work continues, and the care of ISIS survivors continues, support of safe houses, support of national pastors, etc.
[Left] Part of the burned-out town of Qaraqosh, Iraq.
[RIGHT] Qaraqosh, Iraq was liberated from ISIS. Hope to visit and help soon.
I continue to be on the Board and to support the work of Bill Murray’s Religious Freedom Coalition and their major projects Christmas for Refugees and Diapers for Refugees in the Middle East. I spent a few days with Bill discussing future strategies in Kurdistan!
Unfortunately, it is extremely complex. I REPEAT: Even if worst comes to worst and I cannot go this time physically, I will wire the needed monies budgeted to make the ministry go forward. I will ask them to send me photos of what your love offerings have helped to accomplished. Even though Western Union officials have assured me that once a wire is sent, it has already arrived. But I hear conflicting reports of that from Kurdistan leaders. In other words, it might be possible for governments to shut down the wiring of money. Wiring from bank to bank is different and completely safe. But most of my contacts do NOT have banks, due to security concerns. I can go through families (which is still okay) especially a trusted son in Canada to make sure the monies arrive safely.
I am asking you to please, please be generous and soon; so I can quickly send money SAFELY to the right people. Normally, of course, I hand monies directly into their hands!
Please look at some of the photos with captions in this newsletter and PRAY! Most of all, I ask for prayer for divine guidance and divine wisdom to do the right thing on your behalf, and for His Kingdom!
I look forward to your response as soon as feasible. THANK YOU!
Respectfully, on the very frontlines, in your place,
Rev. Bob Armstrong
Cell/text: 941-228-9014
Love-Link Ministries (of course, tax-deductible)
208 – 65th Street NE
Bradenton, FL. 34208
P. S. Please uphold my wife Kim and daughter Brittany in your prayers.
The Armstrongs: Bob, Kim and Brittany.
I also sadly announce the graduation to heaven of my good friend of 60 years, Richard Shakarian, International President of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International. The week before he passed on November 2, I had the honor of praying for him for a few hours in his California hospital! Pray for his widow Vangie.

Earlier photo of Bob with Richard Shakarian,
former International President of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International.
He graduated to heaven on November 2, 2017.
Thank you, in advance, for responding to this urgent need.